Here I am going to explain how to implement dependency injection in MVC Project in detail including separate layers for getting data through Services and Repositories.
Step 1: open visual studio, goto File->New->Project
Step 2:
Select “Web” from left menu, “ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)” from Project types list and give some name to application (I am giving it as DI).
Step 3:
Select “Empty” template, check MVC Checkbox below and click “OK”
It will take little time to create the solution.
Step 4:
Open Solution Explorer, it will create the folder structure as shown below.
Step 5:
Now we are going to create DAL (Data Access Layer), where data is available, Right Click on Solution Explorer, Goto Add->New Project…
Step 6:
Select “Windows” from left menu, “Class Library” from Project list, give some name (DAL), click on OK.
Step 7:
“Class1.cs” will be opened .
Right click on Class1.cs in solution explorer, click “Rename”
Rename it as “Customer”, one pop-up will be shown immediately, Click “Yes” (This will rename the file in all places).
Step 8:
Now paste the below code in Customer.cs class
namespace DAL
public class Customer
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
Here we are creating CustomerId, CustomerName and City are the properties of the Customer Class.
Step 9:
Now right click on Solution Explorer, Goto Add->Class…
Step 10:
Select “Interface”, Name it as “ICustomerRepository.cs”
Step 11:
Paste the below code in “ICustomerRepository.cs” interface
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DAL
public interface ICustomerRepository
List<Customer> GetCustomers();
Here we have defined one method GetCustomers(), which will return List of Customers with defined properties in Customer.cs file.
Step 11:
Now again right click on Solution Explorer, Goto Add->Class…, Name it as “CustomerRepository.cs”
Step 12:
Paste the below code in “CustomerRepository.cs”
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DAL
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
return new List<Customer>(){
new Customer { CustomerId = 1, City = "Visakhapatnam", CustomerName = "Tulasi" },
new Customer { CustomerId = 2, City = "Hyderabad", CustomerName = "Ramana" },
new Customer { CustomerId = 3, City = "Bangalore", CustomerName = "Bablu" },
new Customer { CustomerId = 4, City = "Chennai", CustomerName = "Brammaji" },
“CustomerRepository.cs” is implementing “ICustomerRepository.cs” interface, since “ICustomerRepository.cs” is having GetCustomers() method, it should be implemented in this class.
For time being I am hardcoding Customer data, in real time we will be calling “dbContext” if using entity framework, Stored procedures for ADO.NET..etc.
Now DAL Layer have completed.
Let’s go and create Service Layer.
Step 13:
In Solution Explorer right click and Add->New Project
Step 14:
Select “Windows” from left menu, “Class Library” from Project list, give name as “Services”, click on OK.
Step 15:
Now RightClick on Class1.cs->Rename
Rename it as “ICustomerService”, one pop will be shown immediately click Yes.
Step 16:
Now change “Class” to interface, have the same method which is there in “ICustomerRepository.cs” file.
It will ask for reference once we move the cursor to redline and press “ctrl+.”, add the reference by clicking, “using DAL;(from DAL)” option.
Step 17:
Paste the below code in ICustomerService.cs
using DAL;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Services
public interface ICustomerService
List<Customer> GetCustomers();
This interface will be having same methods which are defined in DAL interface ie. “ICustomerRepository.cs”
Step 18:
Now again right click on Solution Explorer, Goto Add->Class…, Name it as “CustomerService.cs”
Step 19:
Paste the below code in “CustomerService.cs”
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DAL;
namespace Services
public class CustomerService : ICustomerService
private ICustomerRepository _iCustomerRepository;
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository iCustomerRepository)
_iCustomerRepository = iCustomerRepository;
public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
return _iCustomerRepository.GetCustomers();
Here “CustomerService.cs” class is implementing “ICustomerService.cs” interface. So actual data is available in “CustomerRepository.cs”, so we should not create object for “CustomerRepository.cs” and access the GetCustomers method as below.
public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
CustomerRepository customerRepository = new CustomerRepository();
return customerRepository.GetCustomers();
This is wrong why because compile time itself, we will know which class object is creating i.e. this violets the dependency injection concept.
We have to inject the interface, runtime whatever class we mapped will be created and call the respective methods by using interface variable.
Here we are injecting interface variable from class constructor. So which class is implementing this interface will be known in only runtime.
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository iCustomerRepository)
Now DAL and Services layers are ready.
Step 20:
Dependency injection can be implemented by using different frameworks like Ninject, Unity, Autofac, SturctureMap..etc.
Here we are implementing using Unity.
Now Right click on MVC application, Click on “Manage NuGet Packages...”
Step 21:
NuGet package manager will be opened
Step 22:
Click on Browse, type “unity.mvc” in search box, select Unity.Mvc5 package.
Step 23:
Click “Install” button to complete the installation into web project.
One pop up will appear for the package acceptance, click “IAccept”
It will take some time for installation.
Once installation completed it will open readme.txt file.
Read the file to understand how it works.
Will have to just follow the steps mentioned in this txt file.
Step 24:
Open Global.asax file and paste the below code
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace DI
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
We have added the UnityConfig.RegisterComponents(); line.
Step 25:
Open UnityConfig.cs file, which was created at installation time.
Step 26:
Paste the below code in UnityConfig.cs file
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
using Unity.Mvc5;
using DAL;
using Services;
namespace DI
public static class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container));
container.RegisterType<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
container.RegisterType<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();
Here we have to mention the mappings, which interface will create which class object.
ICustomerRepository will create CustomerRepository object and ICustomerService will create CustomerService object in runtime. So we have mentioned those mappings.
Step 27:
Now Right click on Controller folder Goto Add=>Controller…
Step 28:
Select MVC 5 Empty Controller, click on Add button
Step 29:
If you are getting any dll error, just Build the solution once and add the controller
Name it as “CustomerController”
Step 30:
Paste the below code in CustomerController
using Services;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace DI.Controllers
public class CustomerController : Controller
private ICustomerService _iCustomerService;
public CustomerController(ICustomerService iCustomerService)
_iCustomerService = iCustomerService;
public ActionResult GetCustomers()
return Json(_iCustomerService.GetCustomers(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Here we are injecting ICustomerService interface variable from constructor of the controller.
Here we didn’t mention any classname, we are just passing interface variable, So runtime it will call respective class object using mapping which we have done in previous steps.
container.RegisterType<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();
Step 31:
Now run the application and see
Map the url to “customer/GetCustomers” method, will receive the json result as below
Step 32:
Now debug the application and see, how it works in background.
_iCustomerService is having Services.CustomerService class object.
Step 33:
Press F11 when the control is in return statement
It will hit the GetCustomers method in CustomerService class.
Again Press F11,
It will hit the DAL layer CustomerRepository class method.
So in run time it is creating respective mapped objects .
Download Source Code : Click Here
Step 1: open visual studio, goto File->New->Project
Step 2:
Select “Web” from left menu, “ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)” from Project types list and give some name to application (I am giving it as DI).
Step 3:
Select “Empty” template, check MVC Checkbox below and click “OK”
It will take little time to create the solution.
Step 4:
Open Solution Explorer, it will create the folder structure as shown below.
Step 5:
Now we are going to create DAL (Data Access Layer), where data is available, Right Click on Solution Explorer, Goto Add->New Project…
Step 6:
Select “Windows” from left menu, “Class Library” from Project list, give some name (DAL), click on OK.
Step 7:
“Class1.cs” will be opened .
Right click on Class1.cs in solution explorer, click “Rename”
Rename it as “Customer”, one pop-up will be shown immediately, Click “Yes” (This will rename the file in all places).
Step 8:
Now paste the below code in Customer.cs class
namespace DAL
public class Customer
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
Here we are creating CustomerId, CustomerName and City are the properties of the Customer Class.
Step 9:
Now right click on Solution Explorer, Goto Add->Class…
Step 10:
Select “Interface”, Name it as “ICustomerRepository.cs”
Step 11:
Paste the below code in “ICustomerRepository.cs” interface
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DAL
public interface ICustomerRepository
List<Customer> GetCustomers();
Here we have defined one method GetCustomers(), which will return List of Customers with defined properties in Customer.cs file.
Step 11:
Now again right click on Solution Explorer, Goto Add->Class…, Name it as “CustomerRepository.cs”
Step 12:
Paste the below code in “CustomerRepository.cs”
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DAL
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
return new List<Customer>(){
new Customer { CustomerId = 1, City = "Visakhapatnam", CustomerName = "Tulasi" },
new Customer { CustomerId = 2, City = "Hyderabad", CustomerName = "Ramana" },
new Customer { CustomerId = 3, City = "Bangalore", CustomerName = "Bablu" },
new Customer { CustomerId = 4, City = "Chennai", CustomerName = "Brammaji" },
“CustomerRepository.cs” is implementing “ICustomerRepository.cs” interface, since “ICustomerRepository.cs” is having GetCustomers() method, it should be implemented in this class.
For time being I am hardcoding Customer data, in real time we will be calling “dbContext” if using entity framework, Stored procedures for ADO.NET..etc.
Now DAL Layer have completed.
Let’s go and create Service Layer.
Step 13:
In Solution Explorer right click and Add->New Project
Step 14:
Select “Windows” from left menu, “Class Library” from Project list, give name as “Services”, click on OK.
Step 15:
Now RightClick on Class1.cs->Rename
Rename it as “ICustomerService”, one pop will be shown immediately click Yes.
Step 16:
Now change “Class” to interface, have the same method which is there in “ICustomerRepository.cs” file.
It will ask for reference once we move the cursor to redline and press “ctrl+.”, add the reference by clicking, “using DAL;(from DAL)” option.
Step 17:
Paste the below code in ICustomerService.cs
using DAL;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Services
public interface ICustomerService
List<Customer> GetCustomers();
This interface will be having same methods which are defined in DAL interface ie. “ICustomerRepository.cs”
Step 18:
Now again right click on Solution Explorer, Goto Add->Class…, Name it as “CustomerService.cs”
Step 19:
Paste the below code in “CustomerService.cs”
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DAL;
namespace Services
public class CustomerService : ICustomerService
private ICustomerRepository _iCustomerRepository;
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository iCustomerRepository)
_iCustomerRepository = iCustomerRepository;
public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
return _iCustomerRepository.GetCustomers();
Here “CustomerService.cs” class is implementing “ICustomerService.cs” interface. So actual data is available in “CustomerRepository.cs”, so we should not create object for “CustomerRepository.cs” and access the GetCustomers method as below.
public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
CustomerRepository customerRepository = new CustomerRepository();
return customerRepository.GetCustomers();
This is wrong why because compile time itself, we will know which class object is creating i.e. this violets the dependency injection concept.
We have to inject the interface, runtime whatever class we mapped will be created and call the respective methods by using interface variable.
Here we are injecting interface variable from class constructor. So which class is implementing this interface will be known in only runtime.
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository iCustomerRepository)
Now DAL and Services layers are ready.
Step 20:
Dependency injection can be implemented by using different frameworks like Ninject, Unity, Autofac, SturctureMap..etc.
Here we are implementing using Unity.
Now Right click on MVC application, Click on “Manage NuGet Packages...”
Step 21:
NuGet package manager will be opened
Step 22:
Click on Browse, type “unity.mvc” in search box, select Unity.Mvc5 package.
Step 23:
Click “Install” button to complete the installation into web project.
One pop up will appear for the package acceptance, click “IAccept”
It will take some time for installation.
Once installation completed it will open readme.txt file.
Read the file to understand how it works.
Will have to just follow the steps mentioned in this txt file.
Step 24:
Open Global.asax file and paste the below code
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace DI
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
We have added the UnityConfig.RegisterComponents(); line.
Step 25:
Open UnityConfig.cs file, which was created at installation time.
Step 26:
Paste the below code in UnityConfig.cs file
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
using Unity.Mvc5;
using DAL;
using Services;
namespace DI
public static class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container));
container.RegisterType<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
container.RegisterType<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();
Here we have to mention the mappings, which interface will create which class object.
ICustomerRepository will create CustomerRepository object and ICustomerService will create CustomerService object in runtime. So we have mentioned those mappings.
Step 27:
Now Right click on Controller folder Goto Add=>Controller…
Step 28:
Select MVC 5 Empty Controller, click on Add button
Step 29:
If you are getting any dll error, just Build the solution once and add the controller
Step 30:
Paste the below code in CustomerController
using Services;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace DI.Controllers
public class CustomerController : Controller
private ICustomerService _iCustomerService;
public CustomerController(ICustomerService iCustomerService)
_iCustomerService = iCustomerService;
public ActionResult GetCustomers()
return Json(_iCustomerService.GetCustomers(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Here we are injecting ICustomerService interface variable from constructor of the controller.
Here we didn’t mention any classname, we are just passing interface variable, So runtime it will call respective class object using mapping which we have done in previous steps.
container.RegisterType<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();
Step 31:
Now run the application and see
Map the url to “customer/GetCustomers” method, will receive the json result as below
Step 32:
Now debug the application and see, how it works in background.
_iCustomerService is having Services.CustomerService class object.
Step 33:
Press F11 when the control is in return statement
It will hit the GetCustomers method in CustomerService class.
Again Press F11,
It will hit the DAL layer CustomerRepository class method.
So in run time it is creating respective mapped objects .
Download Source Code : Click Here
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