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removing unnecessary http headers in iis and

Server Headers:

To remove Server headers there are multiple solutions
Solution 1:
Add the below code snippet in global.asax file
protected void Application_PreSendRequestHeaders()

Solution 2: (Preferred)
Download and install the latest version of urlscan tool (version 3.1) from the following link
32-Bit (x86):
64-Bit (x64):
After installing goto below location
Open “UrlScan.ini” file in notepad as a Administrator

Update the value for RemoveServerHeader=1 from 0.

X-Powered-By Headers:

Solution 1:
Remove the X-Powered-By headers from IIS
Open IIS

Click on required website
Click on HTTP Response headers,
Right click on “X-Powered-By” and remove the header by clicking Yes
Solution 2:
Including the below lines to the <system.webServer> element of web.config
        <remove name="X-Powered-By" />

Solution 1:
In web.config add this under System.Web
<httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false"/>

Solution 2:
Add the below code snippet in global.asax file
protected void Application_PreSendRequestHeaders()
            Response.Headers.Remove("X-AspNet-Version ");


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